Kicked Our Butts – Murray Canyon to Seven Falls February 1, 2023

There are four canyons included in the Indian Canyon Park. We had hiked three and decided to get the fourth. Murray Canyon is the longest hike (3.9 miles) that we have done. It is an out and back trail following Murray Creek with about 670 feet of elevation gain. Turns out that most of that elevation gain is in the last 0.2 miles, mostly up a rock face cliff. However, it is like the other three trails, a beautiful hike, with great geology and several incredible palm oases along the creek. The oases have California fan palms ( Washingtonia filifera) which are actually the only palm that is indigenous to California.

The creek was running full and fast. The trail included crossing the creek eight times, three of those on logs across and above the creek, the other five on rocks. The logs were narrow and at my age they looked to be 30 feet above the creek. Joni reported that they were only one to something less than three feet above the creek. Somewhat stressful, but negotiable for me… Joni had fun with them.

Rocks look safer!

The real issue became scaling the cliff at the first falls. Our knees, legs, backs and lungs (mine) were not really up to the task, so we did not complete the trail. It was a little embarrassing as we watched three kids about 12 years old, one barefoot, almost run up the trail in front of us…and then pass us at a kid run on the way back.

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