Haircut Day

Yesterday was haircut day. For at least the last almost 29 years, I have gotten a haircut every three (or four) months. I have gotten every one of those haircuts from the same guy. In those years, we have been through and shared experiences on births, deaths, weddings, vacations, new cars, new houses, college, job changes, illnesses, political views and techno changes. I did a small geotech job for him at his hillside property and he cut my hair for free for a while. He hired one of our girls to sweep the hair up at his shop and do towels and other odd jobs. So for 29 years he has been my friend, my psychiatrist and my hair guy. Both of us are getting older, and I am a little concerned about the day that he retires. Although he tells me that his son is also a hair guy in his own shop, I am not sure if that will be the same experience. I may just have to let my hair grow.

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