Trials and Tribulations

A work related saga. I used to be a hydrogeologist. Now all I do is fix problems, almost all related to something other than hydrogeology.

Didn’t write any more yesterday because that last line is pretty much just me bitching and I try not to bitch in these writings.

The upcoming weeks look to be real winners. Thanksgiving in Albuquerque with family, Christmas at home, with family and I am lobbyiung for New Years in Catalina.  The boat is in pretty good shape. We recaulked some of the teak on the deck to minimze water flow through the tesk. We will probably continue that process this weekend. There is a very slow leak in the main engine through hull. It is more of a weep than a leak. I will probably schedule some yard time in January or February to get it fixed.

We also seem to be begining the process to move onto the boat for a year. We will rent out the house. This is one of those things I probably want more than Joni but with what we spend on the boat, I would like to use it for something. The move involves further downsizing which is always a good thing to work on. The garage is getting less and less cluttered all the time and we are being very careful about how much stuff we have in the house itself working on getting rid of one thing for every new thing that we bring in.

Starting to think about this weeks road trip to Albuquerque. Looks like a 11-12 hour drive. Weather is looking good. Juat a matter of finding slurpees and slim jims on the road!

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